For assistance with Firewood, please call Oneness at 801-898-1214 or email at
The pay it forward program is a way to purchase wood for families that are unable to afford it. It is a great way to support the Oneness Woodshare Program and our community.
Go to the product page and select the product item "Pay Forward" and if the Pay Forward donation is for a specific family, identify the family in the description field.
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Who are we helping/ distributing to?
How do we do it?
How do I sign up to be a volunteer?
Yes, It is important that individuals participating in activities at the Oneness Woodshare Processing Location or making customer deliveries understand the inherent risks related to our projects and services rendered.
What’s next? What are we working on?
Oneness plan for the 2025 season is to processing 800 cords of firewood. Our business plan for the current year estimates that 240 cords of wood will be paid for by Federal, State and Local Grants, or through the "Buy Forward Program", or by Oneness materially discounting the cords of wood or simply donating them.
Local church connections